BONUS OPTIMUS: Optimization of mussel mitigation cultures for fish feed in the Baltic Sea

The overall goal of BONUS OPTIMUS is to provide robust evidence-based documentation (ecological, social, and economic) on optimized use of farmed mussel as a mitigation tool for eutrophication that in turn can be a sustainable protein-rich feedstuff for fish.

The mitigation concept requires a transdisciplinary approach combining biological, technical, and socio-economic research together with a strong public outreach.

The BONUS OPTIMUS project is expected to result in scientific documentation on ecosystem goods and services as well as environmental impact of mussel farming to support its future expansion. The project has relevance for combating eutrophication in the coastal zone, sustainable use of aquaculture, providing high-quality fish feed and creating new jobs in rural areas.

Tasks of EUCC-D:

EUCC-D is responsible for stakeholder identification and involvement as well as for public outreach. The tasks are to inform coastal communities about the mitigation concept and involve relevant stakeholders into the process of planning, implementation and sustainable use of mussel farms and to ensure a societal acceptance.

Duration Period: 2017-2020

Grant Authorities: BONUS EEIG

Project Partners: EUCC – The Coastal Union Germany, Leibniz-Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde, Aarhus University, National Institute of Aquatic Resources (Technical University of Denmark) DTU Aqua, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, University of Gothenburg, , Institute of Oceanology of the Polish Academy  of Sciences,  GRAIN Wood A/S, Hjarnø Havbrug A/S

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BONUS OPTIMUS project has received funding from BONUS (Art 185), funded jointly by the EU and Baltic Sea national funding institutions.

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